A Phone-less Summer

A Phone-less Summer

Two years ago, I experienced the best summer of my life, and it all started with a deliberate decision to cut back on my screen time. Even though I gave up social media in 2020, my screen time was still excessive. By ruthlessly utilizing all the screen time features on my phone—focus, downtime, and app limits—I was able to be more present with my children and savor each moment. I remember ending the summer knowing I wanted to capture the feeling, understand the impact, and note everything I had done in order to repeat it the next year.

I cannot remember what prompted me to do so, but at the beginning of summer 2022, I meticulously set up my phone’s screen time features, creating a digital barrier that allowed me to focus on the tangible world around me. Apple offers great tools for curbing my phone use:

  • Focus Mode: Allowed me to filter notifications and calls, reducing distractions.
  • Downtime: Ensured my phone was off-limits during the day.
  • App Limits: Helped me allocate specific times for using apps.

These settings not only limited my phone use but also reshaped my habits, encouraging me to engage with my surroundings and my family. I’ve been able to maintain many of these habits all year round, but there’s something different about summer.

My phone is the tool I use to impose structure and enhance productivity, without it I adopted a more flexible, go-with-the-flow attitude. This unstructured approach not only reduced my stress but also created a more relaxed environment for my children. We enjoyed impromptu outings, leisurely days at the park, and unplanned adventures that became the highlights of our summer. 

The immediate effect of reducing screen time was a significant increase in my presence and attentiveness with my children. Without the constant pull of notifications, I found myself more engaged in their activities and conversations. This presence fostered stronger connections and more meaningful interactions.

With fewer distractions, I worried less. The reduction in anxiety was palpable and allowed me to embrace the spontaneous joys of summer. My mind was less frazzled, and I experienced a clarity that had been missing for years. The constant barrage of information from my phone had been clouding my thoughts. I could think clearly, and I had a unique sense of peace.

Reflecting on that summer, I am convinced that reducing screen time was the catalyst for one of the best summers of my life. I encourage you to take the same step this summer. Utilize the screen time features on your phone to set boundaries and reclaim your time! Embrace the opportunities to be present with your loved ones and savor the beauty of the world around you.

In a world increasingly dominated by screens, choosing to unplug, even partially, can have so many unexpected benefits. Let this summer be the one where you rediscover the joy of living in the moment, free from the constant pull of your phone. Your mind, your family, and your spirit will thank you for it.

Until next time, may your summer be filled with presence, peace, and unforgettable moments

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