The Case for Embracing Laundry Day

The Case for Embracing Laundry Day

For most moms, laundry is a continual source of anxiety. It's one of those chores that is always sitting in the back of your mind. It eats away at your time, clutters your home, and adds stress to your daily life. You might find yourself scrambling to find clean clothes, dealing with mountains of unwashed laundry, or just feeling like you're in a constant state of chaos. I've been there, and I know how frustrating it can be. That's why I've changed my approach to laundry with a method that simplifies everything. Here's the hot take: you need a laundry day.

A Weekly Respite

Allocating one day a week to tackle all of the laundry accomplishes more than just consolidating work; it liberates mental space. For six days, the specter of unwashed clothes doesn’t loom over you. The chaos of clothes sprawled across furniture, awaiting their fate, is no more. In this system, laundry becomes a singular event, not a perpetual state of being! Hoo-rah!

Wash Everything On Cold

Turning the dial to cold wash not only conserves energy, it's also gentler on fabrics and colors. Plus, it avoids the "sorting saga." And who has time to sort? Not me, my friends.

Personalized Piles

Now, this is the stroke of genius that I must credit to the Lazy Genius, Kendra Adachi: sort by person, not color. Each family member's clothes go straight from their hamper to the machine and back to their domain. One room, one journey. Efficiency at its finest.

One Set Of Linens is Enough

Embracing minimalism in the realm of linens—one set of sheets and towels per person—does more than cut down on storage needs. It creates a seamless cycle: items are washed, dried, and returned right back to their places of use. Again, efficiency reigns.

The Results

Instituting a laundry day offers a reduction in stress, eliminates last-minute-soccer-jersey-fiascos, and gives you a sense of satisfaction. Completing this monumental task in one fell swoop provides a reset for the week ahead and a sense of order and peace.

Since implementing a laundry day about 3 years ago, it's become a peaceful routine rather than a dreaded chore. Everything is managed in one day, meaning I spend the rest of the week free from the burden of laundry. Clothes are always clean when needed, and our home is clutter-free. This system not only simplified my household tasks but also significantly improved my overall quality of life. In the journey of motherhood, amidst its myriad responsibilities, finding joy in such chores can remind us there is beauty in the mundane and harmony in routine.

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